BikeWalkLee's Letter:
October 29, 2012
October 29, 2012
BikeWalkLee, a community coalition working for complete
streets in Lee County, would like to add its voice in support of calls
throughout our community for the installation of a traffic signal at the
intersection of Briarcliff Rd. and the new Michael G. Rippe Parkway (Metro
Parkway Extension) in South Lee County. All indications are that this
intersection will meet the warrant requirements and a traffic light will be
installed. There should be a way to install it now rather than later, for
the safety of the Briarcliff residents and all road users on the Metro
Improving safety for bicyclists and pedestrians is a key
goal of BikeWalkLee's efforts, and we have been primarily focused on this
aspect of the Briarcliff and Metro intersection. We know that
improvements in safety require a multi-pronged approach--roads designed to
accommodate the safety and accessibility needs of all road users, rather than
simply the needs of fast-moving automobiles; education of all road users--motorists,
cyclists, and pedestrians--about their responsibilities to drive, walk, or bike
safely; and enforcement of traffic laws, esp. speed limits and obeying traffic
signals. We know that many crashes are caused by human error
factors. However, we believe that improved signalization, along with law
enforcement and education, can raise user awareness and help reduce the
sometimes deadly influence of human error factors.
The new bike lanes and shared use path on the Metro
Extension are not yet completed so the dangers to pedestrians and cyclists at
this intersection cannot yet be observed. However, it is clear from
observing the dangers to motorists at this intersection, that this will be an
even more deadly intersection for cyclists and pedestrians.
BikeWalkLee has been concerned about potential safety
concerns for pedestrians and cyclists on the new Metro Parkway Extension since
the roadway was approved for funding in 2009. Through the MPO's Bicycle
and Pedestrian Coordinating Committee (BPCC) and the County's Bicycle and
Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), BikeWalkLee's advocates worked closely
with FDOT and LeeDOT staff on the design of this 6-lane roadway to ensure that
there were adequate and safe facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. As
a result of these efforts, the road was designed to have on-road bike lanes and
a shared use path, and the intersection of Briarcliff Rd. and the Metro
extension was designed to have a traffic light. It was clear to BPCC,
BPAC, and BikeWalkLee in 2009 that a traffic light would be needed at this
intersection to provide safe access from the Briarcliff community to the biking
and walking facilities that were to be located on the west side of this new
road, across from the neighborhood on the east side. It didn't make sense
to build these biking and walking facilities if users couldn't safely access
As part of the deliberations on the design of these
facilities, FDOT agreed to install the underground infrastructure for this
light, which has been done, and LeeDOT agreed to pay for the maintenance of the
traffic light after installation, and has recently reaffirmed this commitment.
We understand that FDOT engineers are following the federal
MUTCD criteria that requires traffic studies prior to "warranting"
a signal installation. However, we know that exceptions also can and have
been made to this policy. We believe that the immediate dangers to all
road users--drivers, as well as pedestrians and cyclists--resulting from the
lack of a traffic light at this busy intersection, where a large
established community with no other exit in and out except via this new 6-lane
high speed highway, merits just such an exception to established procedures.
FDOT's quick action could avoid the devastation of more human
lives damaged by crashes on this roadway. We know that by itself, a
traffic signal will not make this roadway safe, and share your commitment to
educating the public about safer driving habits. We also encourage
law enforcement to continue their campaign to enforce the speed limit on this
new roadway.
We are heartened by your leadership within FDOT to improve
the safety for pedestrians and cyclists across Florida, and appreciate your
efforts to make Lee County's roadways safer for all users. Thank you for
considering our request, and requests from many others in our community, to
install a traffic light quickly at this dangerous intersection.
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