On Wednesday, Oct 10th, several members of BWL attended the regular monthly
meeting of the Lehigh Community Planning Panel to discuss BikeWalkLee's mission,
it's coalition approach and the benefits of collaboration. This was followed up with a power point
presentation of complete streets principals in action, illustrating the
potential to strengthen and improve communities.
Darla Letourneau related the origins of BikeWalkLee and its
coalition of supporter organizations focused on advocacy for a multi-modal
network of safe, active transportation options along completed streets in Lee
County. With these 42 supporting
organizations, BWL works to raise awareness about the County’s transportation system,
leverage opportunities for improvement and develop pathways to overcome obstacles
to improvement.
BikeWalkLee's Ann Pierce gave a power point presentation on
complete streets, conveying the underlying precepts and the natural extensions
of complete streets philosophy and practice. She pointed out that the streets of our cities
and counties must serve everyone, whether young or old, motorist or bicyclist,
walker or wheelchair user, bus rider and business owner. Too many of our
streets are designed only to speed cars from one point to another. These
enormously expensive, often overbuilt roads are too wide, too fast, too
dangerous for alternative transport users and detrimental to local businesses.
BikeWalkLee's presentation pointed out that across the country
the independent concepts of complete streets, compact communities and
conservative fiscal management are converging in a call for complete
communities. In complete communities land use, transportation, safety, health, and economic planning are assessed and
implemented as parts of the same whole, with a recognition of the impacts,
intended or otherwise, that each has upon the other.
After hearing the
presentation, the Lehigh Community Planning Panel voted to become a BikeWalkLee
supporter organization to further efforts “to improve the quality of life
through safety, health and mobility on complete streets in Lee
County." They are joining 42 other organizations that are part of
BikeWalkLee's coalition. The Planning Panel suggested several other Lehigh groups
that would be similarly interested. The
Panel closed by thanking BikeWalkLee and stating that they now truly understood
the complete streets concepts and the vast potential in their community
redevelopment plans.
BikeWalkLee steering committee members are available to
introduce the concepts of complete streets and complete communities throughout
Lee County. If your group is interested
in such a presentation, contact: info@bikewalklee.org.
Report by Ann Pierce
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