The many hundreds of events share the same goals: “To honor fallen cyclists, to promote road safety, and to make a difference.”
Bike safety is not a fleeting issue, especially here in Florida which ranks the very worst in the nation for cyclist safety with the highest fatality rate six years in a row.
The Ride of Silence, in memorializing riders injured and killed, seeks to draw motorist’s attention to cyclist’s legal rights to full use of the roadways, to inform motorists that we are here, to watch for us – as if our lives depended on it. Locally there will be three Rides of Silence all departing at 7:00 p.m., so arrive around 6:45 p.m. at the starting point.
Please come out to show your support and send the message that we deserve our right to operate on our own roads. We are not just bike riders but friends and neighbors and we must all Share the Road.
Fort Myers: Caloosa Riders is organizing a ride in downtown Fort Myers . It starts at Centennial Park , 2000 W. First St. , Fort Myers (under the bridge at Heitman and Bay Streets). The ride will be 8 miles at 10-12 mph. For information, contact riderinfo@caloosariders.org, or www.caloosariders.org.
Bonita Springs : The Bonita Bay Bicycle Club's ride starts from " Riverwalk Park " within Bonita Bay . It will be a 10 mph ride, about one hour long, within Bonita Bay , escorted by BB security vehicles. Non-residents of Bonita Bay are welcome, and must contact Claude Weir, BBBC President, at least a day in advance to be cleared at the gate: cvwesq@earthlink.net.
Sanibel: Sanibel Bicycle Club is organizing a ride across two Sanibel Causeway bridges and back on island. It starts at the Community Park (next to the Sanibel Community Association) on Periwinkle Way. For more information, contact Patti Sousa: psjurney@comcast.net.
Note: that all riders must wear a helmet.
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