The third annual Bike Rodeo will be held on Thursday, May 12 at the Sanibel School Pavilion, starting after school at 2:30 PM and running until 4:30 PM. All beginning and intermediate cyclists are invited to this fun and educational event. The Bike Rodeo is designed to teach bike riders the basic skills needed to cycle safely and confidently.
Admission is free, and parents are encouraged to “pass the word” about the Bike Rodeo to their children. Participants should bring their own bikes and helmets if they have them, but loaner bikes and helmets will also be available for use at the event.
Events at the rodeo will include:
• Bike Safety Check to make sure tires, brakes, handlebars and chains are in working order.
• Helmet fitting and inspection to insure proper sizing, fit and condition.
• Egg Drop Demonstration to show how a bike helmet can protect a fragile package like an egg…. or a rider’s head.
• Straight-line Riding Exercise designed to teach the skill of riding in a straight steady line.
• Proper Turn Exercise designed to teach the proper way to signal and execute a turn.
• Slalom Course Riding Exercise designed to teach proper control on a curving path.
• Stopping Exercise designed to teach proper use of brakes to anticipate and execute a safe stop.
Cold water and snacks will be available to all participants After completing the Bike Rodeo course, participants will also receive a gift package containing bike related items and safety information.
The Bike Rodeo is supported by numerous island organizations and businesses. The principal organizer is Billy Kirkland of Billy’s Bikes, supported by the Kiwanis Club of Sanibel Captiva and the Sanibel Bicycle Club, whose members will provide volunteer staffing for the event. Additional contributing sponsors include Finnemore’s Cycle Shop, Dairy Queen, Bailey’s General Store and Island Graphics.