Click here to read the article in this week's Island Reporter (Sanibel/Captiva). Here are a few excerpts:
"Christmas came a week early for the women at the Southwest Florida Addiction Services (SWFAS) Transitional Living Center(TLC), when they arrived at the Bicycle Ministry at the First Baptist Church in downtown Fort Myers. Ken Nies, Director of the Bicycle Ministry, played Santa Claus and provided refurbished bikes to the delighted women from TLC....
Nies outfitted each woman with a bike, adjusted the seat, put on lights and a lock and chain, and gave them a few safety tips. Dan Moser, who’s a certified cycling instructor and longtime cycling advocate in Lee County, came over to the SWFAS campus on Tuesday to give them helmets and introduce them to the basics of bicycling safety.
The women were very excited about having wheels, both for transportation and exercise.
” It is so wonderful that someone took the time and thought of us,” said Eloise. “It’s a big deal today since a bike is often our only available transportation. These are awesome bikes — nice and sturdy!”
Another participant, Patricia, said, “This will make it easier to go to work and to church. No... it will make it a lot easier! I love bike riding. I will also use my new bike for leisure and exercise.”
“For them to think of transportation for us is so thoughtful, I am so grateful,” she added.
This volunteer program is a real win-win-win for the Lee County community. Individuals and bike shops donate bikes and equipment to the Bicycle Ministry, which trains homeless people in how to refurbish bicycles, then provides the bikes to the homeless and other individuals in need, who, in exchange, agree to perform community service for charities.
The new bicycle owners now have a reliable mode of transportation so that they can get to work and around town. Who knew a used bike could provide so many benefits?
The women of SWFAS say a special thank you to the Tarpon Bay Explorers of Sanibel for donating the bikes. If you are interested in donating bikes to this good cause, contact Ken Nies at (239) 458-0075...."