The bike/ped master plan is still a work in progress, but a draft version of the executive summary (which was distributed at the December TAC & CAC meetings) was incorporated into the MPO's draft 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) that was adopted by the MPO on Dec. 8th. The draft report will soon be reviewed by the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) (which includes BWL representatives) and then presented to the various MPO committees for review. The final master plan is tentatively scheduled to go to the MPO Board in February and the LRTP will be amended to be consistent with the final Master Plan.
Steve Rodgers spoke about the plan on behalf of BikeWalkLee at the Dec. 8th MPO meeting. He highlighted the importance of the master plan to the county’s complete streets efforts and the need to fill gaps and provide connectivity across jurisdictional lines. One of the features we’re excited about is the proposal for three demonstration projects that will highlight different aspects of the system we need and be instituted fairly quickly. Such pilot projects can build public support for implementation of the overall plan. Watch the MPO’s project website for upcoming materials.
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