Tuesday, April 15, 2014

BoCC approves LeeTran Park and Ride Facility for the Fort Myers Beach Trolley

BikeWalkLee weighed in with County Commissioners (both in 4/10 letter and during public comments at 4/15 meeting) in support of a permanent Park and Ride facility for the Fort Myers Beach trolley, which BoCC approved at their April 15th meeting.

Since 1987, LeeTran has had a free park and ride facility at Summerlin Square for people taking the trolley over to Fort Myers Beach.  With a new Walmart coming into this plaza, LeeTran needed to find a permanent home for their park and ride facility.  The county staff have worked collaboratively with FDOT, County Lands, and LeeTran and identified a property for purchase.

At the April 15th BoCC meeting, BWL representative Darla Letourneau spoke in support of the proposal.  She commented that LeeTran's trolley service is vital to the tourist economy, which brings 5 million people a year to Lee County and contributes over $3 billion to the local economy.  The Park and Ride facility and the trolley service it supports, is a critical component of relieving congestion on Fort Myers Beach, and probably takes 100,000 cars off the beach each year. Clearly, the park and ride facility has demonstrated its economic value and merits continuation.  

Letourneau also stated that Lee County is becoming a major international destination and, as such, must step up the provision of transit services offered to increase and maintain this appeal.  

Letourneau commended the staff for working collaboratively to come up with a solution that benefits the county, its citizens, and its visitors. 

Report by Darla Letourneau

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