David Urich - Guest Opinion
News-press-- May 4, 2010
Now is the time to study an HOV (High Occupancy
Vehicle) lane on Colonial Boulevard for express bus
transit as well as cars with two or more people.
With $400 million cost of construction and heavy
Lee County southern traffic flow, the Lee County
Department of Transportation and the state must
find a more modern solution. Simply by using the
existing pavement, two of the existing lanes can be
converted to HOV at much lower cost and greater
utility. Other cities are doing BRT-Express Buses on
their roads today. Why not Lee County?
When are we going to start with a "blank slate" and
create a transit-friendly road for the 21st century on
Colonial? We must today provide properly for public
transportation if we expect any real hope of a
mobility system tomorrow. Click here to read full article.
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