To coincide with Bike to Work Week, the League of American Bicyclists announced their third annual Bicycle Friendly State (BFS) rankings. View entire state ranked list and a breakdown of how the states fared in each evaluation category.
A Bicycle Friendly State promotes cycling through legislation, policies, programs, and by creating new places to ride, educating motorists and cyclists, and encouraging people to bike for transportation and recreation.
LAB develops the bicycle friendly state rankings by six categories: legislation, policies & programs, infrastructure, education, evaluation, and enforcement. [Note that neither safety nor implementation of policies & programs are part of the evaluation.] For 2010, LAB ranked Florida as 12th in the nation, moving it up from its 2009 ranking of 32nd. Florida applied for a Bicycle Friendly State award and received an honorable mention.
We support FDOT's efforts to make Florida a more bicycle-friendly state. However, it is not just policies that matter--it is implementation and a long term commitment to safety and access. Until Florida no longer leads the nation with the highest rate of bicyclist (and pedestrian) fatalities, it is hard to think of our state as bicycle friendly.
info is very helpful for a newbie like me,