August 10th, 2012
Secretary Ananth Prasad,
Florida Dept. of Transportation
Green Mobility Network - John
Hopkins, John@greenmobilitynetwork.org
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
- Ken Bryan, Ken@railstotrails.org
BikeWalkLee - Darla
Letourneau, dletourneau@bikewalklee.org
South Florida Audubon Society - Doug
Young, dyoung@southfloridaaudubon.org
Smart Growth Partnership – Marianne Whitfield, mariannewinfield@aol.com
Greenways and Trails Foundation – W. Dale Allen, wm.dale.allen@gmail.com
South West Florida Bicycle United
Dealers – Alan Snel, alansnel@yahoo.com
Friends of the River
of Grass Greenway - Maureen
Bonness, maureenb@evergladesROGG.org
RE: Proposal
to Florida Department of Transportation:
MAP-21 Implementation Recommendations
We the undersigned organizations
request that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) implement the
MAP-21 legislation in a way that fully funds, staffs, and implements the new
Transportation Alternatives program as well as continues the Safe Routes to
Schools (SRTS) and Recreational Trails (Rec Trails) programs. All of these programs should maximize Florida's investments in
safe and accessible streets in all transportation projects and work towards
better connecting our communities with alternative transportation systems. With Florida's ranking as the most dangerous
state in the nation for pedestrians and cyclists, and FDOT's stated commitment
to addressing this problem, MAP-21 offers FDOT an opportunity to demonstrate
its commitment by making the safety of pedestrians and cyclists its #1
transportation priority.
It is hoped that by coming
together as a common voice, and communicating our joint vision for this new
federal legislation, it will demonstrate unity amongst many of the state’s
leading advocacy organizations that support walking, bicycling, trails and
alternative transportation and, as such, have impact and be considered useful.
Recommendations for MAP-21 implementation:
We respectfully request that FDOT include the following elements in its
implementation of the federal transportation bill:
1. No transfer of ANY funds away from Transportation
Alternatives (TA) – and continue a focus on walking, bicycling and trail
2. Fund the Recreational Trails program at the
previous funding level and not opt-out;
3. Maintain the Safe Routes to School program at
the previous funding level along with coordinators and bicycle-pedestrian
program managers;
4. Promptly award Transportation Alternatives
grants with relevant stakeholders participating;
5. Preserve spending authority to allow for 100%
obligation and expenditure of these program funds;
6. Honor the commitment to all
previously awarded SRTS, TE and Rec Trails program projects. Preserve TE reserves from SAFETEA-LU to
provide funding where the specific project has not been identified in the
2012-2017 STIP. For these funds, adopt a
list of eligible projects which matches the SAFETEA-LU Transportation
Enhancements project eligibility criteria, minus categories that were
specifically eliminated in MAP-21 such as transportation museums;
7. Adopt a complete streets program to ensure
that the needs of all users are taken into account on all transportation
projects and programs;
8. Implement the new performance measurement
provisions to fully integrate alternative transportation into the state's goals
and measures;
9. Use the strengthened and
outcome-based safety program in MAP-21 to make reducing Florida's
bike/ped fatality rates its #1 priority and revamp Florida's Highway
Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) towards achieving that outcome.
10. Use Surface Transportation
Funds to cover any potential shortfalls in the 5-year State Transportation
Improvement (STIP) and supplement TA funds with
flexible funds, such as the Surface Transportation Program (STP), to both honor
existing projects in the pipeline previously approved under Transportation
Enhancements (TE), SRTS and Rec Trails programs and move these activities
forward under MAP-21. Restore available
funds to current levels.
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