Here's an opportunity to learn about road diets.
EVENT: ITE Chapter Meeting / Webinar and Lunch (pizza and soda).
Event Date: Friday, January 27, 2012
Event Time: 11:30 am - 1:00 p.m. EDT (Please plan on arriving a little early at around 11:15 am for a few brief announcements and to get situated.)
WHERE: First Floor Conference Room
Lee County Administration Building
2115 Second Street
Fort Myers, Florida 33901
COST: $5.00 per person to ITE (members and non-members).
RSVP TO: Suresh Karre simply by accepting this appointment request or via e-mail: suresh.karre@dplummer.com.
DESCRIPTION/TOPIC: Road Diets (Webinar)
PRESENTED BY: Peter Lagerwey, Senior Planner, Toole Design Group
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC) offered an eight-part Webinar series intended to help communities address pedestrian safety issues through design and engineering solutions. Modeled after the FHWA's/PBIC's in-person training course "Designing for Pedestrian Safety," the Webinars covered topics ranging from sidewalk design to road diets. Today's webinar was offered as Part 7 of that series. It is a recorded webinar.
Some of the learning objectives of webinar include:
- To be able to describe how speed and pedestrian crash risk reduces when the number of lanes are reduced.
- To explain why reducing the number of lanes, reduces risks making it is easier to cross roads.
- To discuss a lot of different ways to get to the decision to do a road diet.
- To demonstrate how reducing the lanes creates free space for higher and better use.
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