This month’s Lee Plan policy papers address how to recognize and reinforce the distinctions between urban, suburban, and rural areas; and focus on key transportation strategies, including level of service standards, transportation concurrency, and a potential mobility fee. Bike WalkLee is participating in this year-long process to ensure that the complete streets/sustainability focus in the EAR is carried through in the actual Comp Plan amendments. We encourage you to participate in this process.
Background: As reported in earlier blog posts, Horizon 2035 is a comprehensive review and update of the Lee Plan through the year 2035. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted by the Commissioners in early 2011 resulted in a sustainable vision for growth and development. The County is now using this vision as the basis to update the Lee Plan’s goals, objectives and policies.
Before drafting goals and policies, the County is presenting a series of issue papers to the Local Planning Agency (LPA) and the Sustainability Committee (CSAC) for input. There are now 4 more issue papers out for review, which will be discussed at the Monday, January 23rd LPA meeting, held at 8:30 a.m. in the Board Chambers in downtown Fort Myers. The papers will also be discussed at the February 15th CSAC meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the County Administration conference room. At the beginning of both meetings, the agendas include an opportunity for public comment.
The four new papers are:
A. Rural Framework
B. Suburban Framework
C. Urban Framework
D. Transportation Strategies
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