Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Join the new Lee County "Town Hall" conversation on the College Parkway Corridor Study

Why do we need to do this?

 The County's Town Hall website has a new topic:  College Parkway Corridor Study

Do you think redevelopment of this corridor is important?

Why Do We Need To Do This?

The College Parkway Corridor is largely used for moving people by car between Cape Coral and Fort Myers. This segment of the corridor is often passed through on the way to somewhere else, resulting in loss of patronage to area businesses. Moving around in the corridor by foot or bicycle is often a scary experience, reducing the desire to use alternative forms of transportation. As a result of the character of this roadway, businesses are declining. The redevelopment effort is a way for the community to consider alternative ways to attract businesses and keep the economy going.
More Info:
College Parkway Corridor Study Area Map
College Parkway Redevelopment Group Facebook Page
Click here to join the conversation and share your ideas!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, redevelopment of this corridor is quite necessary. As being one of the larger corridors and bringing the Cape & Fort Myers together, it is also the main street for Edison State, which has been growing over the years. It needs an update and one that would provide more pedestrian and bicycle access to the public would be fantastic for the area.


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