reported in the April 6, 2012 BikeWalkLee blog, Ortiz Avenue is a topic of
ongoing discussion in Lee County and in the Palm Beach /Tice Community
Plan. This is an update on the effort to
ensure that the street's northernmost section is safe, walkable, and enhances
economic opportunities in the neighborhood. It has been the position of BikeWalkLee and
several members of the planning panel that a 2-lane section with a turn lane
and strategically placed crossing medians would most effectively accomplish
these goals.

Avenue runs north/south between SR 80 and SR 82 approximately one mile west of
I-75. The street is significant for its
bike/ped potential as it is identified as part of the County's Primary Bike/Ped
Network in the MPO Bike/Ped Master Plan. Previously, Lee DOT planned
Ortiz to be widened from a two lane road to a four lane with a median and turns
lanes and the speed raised to 45 MPH. This decision was, in part, based
on modeling that that showed an increase in automobile trips.
the September 25, 2012 meeting of the Palm Beach / Tice Planning Panel Lee DOT
gave a presentation on their thoughts regarding how they might re-think this
section to comply with the Lee County Complete Streets Resolution. They noted that there are several policies
currently under revision in Lee County that might inspire a new analysis
regarding the street design and number of lanes. This includes revisions to level of service
standards in the Lee Plan and the Lee County MPO's update t the 2040 Long Range
Transportation Plan.
Margaret Banyan and Paul Moreno, panel members, gave a follow up presentation,
which focused on four key strategies to ensure that the street is designed
within the appropriate context of the neighborhood. These were as follows:
· Accept
congestion at certain times of day / week: If there is congestion in future out
years, this will likely occur only during peak periods of the day.
more walking, biking, and transit trips to take traffic off of Ortiz.
additional network options to distribute traffic.
all three!
the road / street network has several advantages of reducing automobile trips
to get from one destination to another, distributing traffic such that wider
roads are not needed, (especially in the case of Ortiz) increasing property
values in industrial areas and neighborhoods by increasing access, and finally
isolating truck from residential automobile traffic.
appreciate Lee DOT's continued efforts to work with the community to reduce the
number of travel lanes and speed as a way to make Ortiz Avenue's northern
section a walkable, economically viable, and safe street.
Report by Dr. Margaret Banyan
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