Tuesday, October 26, 2010

BikeWalkLee's 10 Key Questions to Ask about MPO 2035 LRTP

BikeWalkLee analyzed the MPO documents in preparation the 10/26 public workshop on the 2035 LRTP Cost Feasible Plan, and developed the following 10 key questions to ask. If you weren't able to make the meeting, please go online and get a comment form,or send your comments directly to Don Scott, dscott@swfrpc.org.

10 Key Questions to Ask
Lee County 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
Public Workshop on Cost Feasible Plan

1. How can the MPO develop a long-range transportation plan when there is no vision or goals to integrate all modes into the planning process?
2. The county has a goal of reducing vehicle miles traveled (VMT) -- How does the draft plan reduce VMTs either by investing in infrastructure or promoting policies (HOV lanes, parking policies, telecommuting)?
3. Does the MPO have goals for shifts in mode shares (e.g., increasing biking, walking, and public transit)? Where is the shift in mode reflected in the plan?
4. The MPO has a mandate to set goals to reduce greenhouse gases. How does this draft plan accomplish these goals?
5. How is the MPO proposing to prioritize the projects for the cost feasible plan? What methodology? What criteria?
6. What priority is the MPO giving the safety of all road users (walking, bicycling, transit, and automobile) in the prioritization of projects?
7. How is the MPO maximizing the use of the existing transportation facilities before building new facilities?
8. How is the MPO going to support a workable transit system (e.g., promote “choice riders”)? What is the MPO doing now to model a system that will accomplish that goal (e.g., 15 minute headways and efficiency in the system)? The MPO should show the economic and congestion–related benefits of a workable and efficient transit system.
9. How is the MPO designing the cost feasible plan so that it represents an integrated multi-modal system with integrated funding (roads, transit, bike/ped, ITS, etc.)?
10. Why isn’t the MPO modeling the impact of the wide variety of policy tools that would reduce the need for automobiles (e.g., parking fees, transit usage, or HOV lanes)?

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