Throughout the Lee MPO’s LRTP development process, the Hillsborough 2035 LRTP served as a benchmark for the kind of visionary plan that we hoped Lee County would develop. Although there was a great deal of discussion and consensus on the board about needing a new transportation paradigm and recognition that it was not possible to build our way out of congestion, many of the desired changes could not be incorporated in this plan given the time constraints. BikeWalkLee developed two resolutions for the Board's consideration to "codify” thir conversations into policy statements. These resolutions direct the staff and committees to move in a new direction and spell out steps needed to get us there.
Darla Letourneau, on behalf of BikeWalkLee, spoke in support of these resolutions at the Dec. 8th meeting. The MPO board unanimously adopted the resolutions. (Click here for the resolutions
Resolution 2010-12: policy statement on balanced multi-modal transportation system:
1. Maximum use of existing transportation facilities & improve connectivity before adding new facilities
2. Integrated prioritization approach (all modes integrated into one priority list), to be developed and used for making recommendations to FDOT every June for the 5-year work plan priorities, beginning June 2011.
Resolution 2010-13: policy statement re: major LRTP update in 2012:
1. To incorporate new plans:
EAR and Comp Plan amendments—land use and economic development
2010 Census
County’s transit 10 year plan (initiated by BoCC on 12/7)
Rail Feasibility Study
Final report of ATPPL study
2. Enhance plan development process:
better modeling techniques (scenario analysis and policy options)
Use innovative public participation techniques (like Hillsborough)
Incorporate quantitative performance measures (none in this plan)
Bottomline: BikeWalkLee participated in every phase of the development of the 2035 LRTP over the past year and we believe that our input, along with that of other concerned citizen groups and individuals who also advocated for a more balanced and forward looking transportation system, made a difference. While the county has a long way to go, thanks to the leadership of the MPO board and efforts by the MPO staff, progress was made this year in beginning to shift the transportation paradigm.
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