Every 5 years FDOT holds regional forums around the state to hear from local citizens, staff, and officials about long-term transportation needs in Florida. In the past, SWFL has been overlooked when these regional workshops have been planned. No more! FDOT heard the request from local officials that they wanted for one of the workshops to be held in SWFL. So here's your chance to be heard: Tuesday, June 23rd at the new LeeTran office, 3401 Metro Parkway in Fort Myers. The visioning workshop will be held from 1:30-4:30 p.m.

Location of new LeeTran office
Here's your chance to share your vision for better biking and walking facilities, a statewide network of trails, the need to make the roads safer for all users, the need for a robust transit system, for rail to come to SWFL, the need for interchange improvements on the interstate, such as I-75...and the list of possibilities goes on and on. Please take advantage of this opportunity to share your thoughts about Florida's transportation system.
Additional information about the upcoming visioning workshop in Ft. Myers on June 23, 2015.
The Florida Transportation Plan (FTP) is the state’s long range transportation plan for all of Florida and establishes the policy framework for allocating the state and federal transportation funds which flow through FDOT’s 5-year Work Program. The FTP also identifies the roles and responsibilities of all partners for implementing this plan. The SIS comprises the state’s largest and most strategic transportation facilities, including major air, space, water, rail and highway system. SIS facilities are the primary means for moving people and freight between Florida’s diverse regions as well as between Florida and other states and nations. The SIS Plan sets policies to guide decisions about which facilities are designated, where future SIS investments should occur, and how to set priorities among these investments.
A steering committee comprised of representatives from FDOT, state agencies, Federal partners, regional and local governments, modal partners, transportation industry, military and defense partners, citizen groups, community and environmental partners, and business and economic development groups has been meeting since January 2015. Four advisory groups have been established and are currently meeting: Infrastructure and Growth Leadership, Innovation and Economic Development, Quality of Life and Quality Places, and Strategic Intermodal System.
Participants at the regional workshop on June 23rd may be asked to comment on the results of advisory groups, potential goal areas, or any array of transportation planning topics. The upcoming workshop will consist of a half hour of welcome and presentations, followed by three interactive breakout sessions and then adjournment. For the break outs, participants will rotate between three topic areas and be able to comment all issues.
You may also visit the Florida Transportation Website at http://www.floridatransportationplan.com for more information.
If you have any questions feel free to contact D'Juan Harris at 239-225-1976 or Sarah.Catala@dot.state.fl.us; 239-225-1981.
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