Today's BikeWalkLee column focuses on the Nov. 2nd Streets Alive! event in downtown Fort Myers. Be sure to join the fun on car-free streets and bring your family and friends!
BikeWalkLee Column in News-Press "Go Coastal" Section, Oct. 16, 2014

In a little more than two weeks, residents and visitors will get to enjoy a downtown free of traffic; downtown businesses will get to enjoy people wandering by their shops and stores at a more business-friendly pace; and everyone will get to enjoy some public space that's usually off-limits to anyone not in a motor vehicle.
Oh, and you might get to try some new activities to enjoy or rediscover some old ones you'd forgotten.
Where's is all this happening? At Streets Alive, returning to downtown Fort Myers from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 2.
This event only comes together with you when you come downtown to enjoy the car-free streets, try out some activities or just spend the afternoon wandering around with family and friends. This event is meant for you — to change your awareness of downtown, to change your perception of our public streets and, perhaps, to help bring a little change in your life.
Amid an epidemic of obesity and an eruption of concurrent maladies such as diabetes, heart disease and more, staying fit and eating right is more than just a nice idea — it's essential for both the quality and quantity of your life.
The impact of poor health and wellness is felt through both our society and our economy — a fact more and more businesses are embracing as they encourage their employees and staff to adopt healthier habits to help lower costs, improve productivity and maintain a fitter workforce.
Streets Alive is also part of a growing trend nationally and internationally to recapture pubic streets for use by all people (not just motorists), to help build a better sense of community and to connect neighborhoods — and people — together.
But the bottom line is to come and have fun. All the other good stuff is just an added benefit.
There will be activities for all ages and abilities, including Lee County Parks & Recreation, Lee Memorial Health System, The Edge, the Florida Department of Health/Lee County, USA Dance, Orangetheory Fitness and more.
P.S.: If you want to start the fun early, join in the Streets Alive golf tourney Saturday at River Hall Country Club. Registration will be at 7:30 a.m., and tee off is 8:30 a.m. Visit Details online at or via email to
— By Ken Gooderham of BikeWalkLee, a community coalition raising public awareness and advocating for complete streets in Lee County — streets that are designed, built, operated and maintained for safe and convenient travel for all users: pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and transit riders of all ages and abilities. Information, statistics and background at
Streets Alive
• When: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 2
• Kicks off with a people's parade forming up around 10:45 a.m., a quick way to see the entire route and start the event off with a bang
• Kids (and adults) are encouraged to wear your Halloween costumes one more time
• Downtown Fort Myers
• City and county parking facilities will be open
• Information and map at
Upcoming events
• Sunday, Oct. 19: Rocktoberfest 10 mile (or 2 x 5 mile) race. North Collier Regional Park, 15000 Livingston Road, Naples. Registration $55, students $45; starts at 7 a.m. (
• Saturday, Nov. 1: 7th annual Race the Roof 15K run, 5K run, 5K walk and tot trot. Verandah Community, 11571 Verandah Blvd., Fort Myers. All proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity, Lee and Hendry Counties. Race starts at 7:30 a.m. (
Cycling and other events:
• Sunday, Oct. 26: Fifth annual Tour de North Port. 15-, 35- and 65-mile rides that begin and end at the Imagine School, Upper Campus, 2757 Sycamore St., North Port. Full support, trick-or-treat rest stops. Breakfast and lunch offered. Starts at 7 a.m.; group discounts available. (
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