WHO? We are a regional partnership of individuals, advocacy groups and governmental agencies leading a multi-modal transportation awareness-to-action campaign.
WHAT? “Taking it to the Streets” is a nine day promotion for Transportation Transformation among neighboring counties in Southwest Florida, to move people from talking and into doing, or actually……walking, biking, busing, vanpooling, carpooling and, of course, having Fun!
WHEN? Campaign begins April 15 continues through Earth Week and culminates on Saturday April 23….Save the Dates!
WHERE? All of regional Southwest Florida - Individual worksites, campuses, transits companies and public venues. This is a multi-county action project including municipalities, businesses, resorts, colleges, civic and community organizations.
HOW? Simply choose action items from our list or create your own activity. Schedule and complete your activities leading up to or during the campaign period of April 15-23, 2011. Participate: as an employer, as a community leader, as an individual, as a student or as a team. Whatever you are planning, let us know so we can promote you!
Do something that involves or supports alternative and less costly modes of transportation: biking, walking, carpooling, vanpooling, or public transportation. If you’d like to participate, but need help getting started or have comments or concerns, don’t be afraid to speak up. We can come to your site, at no cost, to help. Call us at 1.866.585.RIDE.
Prove it – Track, log and promote all those miles you don’t drive in your auto with Trip Track, a program that will help us calculate Vehicle Miles Reduced (VMR) and other statistics at Commuter Service Florida website.
BikeWalkLee is a supporter of this initiative, and sees it as an opportunity to participate with hundreds of others to promote healthier and less costly transportation alternatives while bringing focus to the improvement of mobility choices here in SWFL. With your participation, we can move forward together as a region.
Stay tuned for further details and opportunities to participate.
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