As we mentioned in the April post on this blog, it is important for BikeWalkLee advocates to participate in the Lee Plan update (called the EAR process)to let the county know complete streets are priority for citizens.
The Lee County Division of Planning held workshops throughout the county during May 2010 as part of their EAR (Evaluation and Review) process. The EAR is an every-7-year evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the Lee Plan. On May 19, there was a joint meeting of the Smart Growth Committee and Local Planning Agency (LPA) that was an EAR workshop. A representative of BikeWalkLee also participated and it was an excellent opportunity to brainstorm with others in a small group about ways to improve our county by making it more walkable/bikeable/livable.
The next step in the process is a Local Planning Agency review of issues and topics, scheduled for Friday, June 18, 8:30 a.m. in Commission Chambers, 2120 Main St., Fort Myers
If you missed the workshops, please click here for a questionnaire that you can fill out and submit. You can also sign-up to be on their e-mail list on this Lee Plan website.
Our input is very important to ensuring that the Lee Plan vision for the future reflects the communities desires for complete streets and livable communities. Thank you!
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