From: Darla [mailto:dletourneau@bikewalklee.org]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 10:50 AM
To: MPO Members
Subject: Hillsborough MPO 2035 LRTP & Lessons for Lee County
MPO Members:
As the Lee MPO develops its 2035 LRTP plan between now and December 31st, I thought it might be helpful for the Board to look at the Hillsborough MPO’s LRTP that was completed last year. Their plan goes beyond the traditional LRTP and includes a focus on land use, TOD, transit, livable communities, walkable/bikeable neighborhoods, and complete streets. Their approach provides some excellent ideas for developing the Lee LRTP in a new way. I’ve highlighted a few links that are worth looking at:
1. Hillsborough MPO video re: their 2035 LRTP --features many of the MPO members and other officials talking about features that are important…lots of focus on TOD, transit, walkable/bikeable neighborhoods & livable communities & complete streets. I highly recommend watching the full length video (14 minutes): , which provides the best overview of the vision and goals behind their long range plan for a public audience. (Note that they used this plan to build the case for the need for a 1 cent sales tax primarily for transit & light rail, which the county commission voted to have on the ballot for this November.)
There’s a short version (1 minute) that I think was used as a PSA:
2. Summary of their transportation plan in the form of a brochure for the public.
The Hillsborough County MPO’s overall website for their LRTP:
I hope that the Lee MPO will use this opportunity to demonstrate its leadership and vision to shift the transportation paradigm towards a more balanced transportation system that puts the county on the path to a more livable and sustainable community. Thank you.
Darla Letourneau
Steering Group
UPDATE: At the June 18th MPO meeting, I spoke on behalf of BikeWalkLee and urged the MPO board to develop a new paradigm LRTP like Hillsborough's Plan. At Ray Judah's request, the video about the Hillsborough Plan (linked above) was shown and was well received. As a result of the discussions, the board agreed that a special workshop for the board should be held to discuss the LRTP in depth. The intent is for this workshop to be held prior to the August 20th MPO meeting. One of the agenda items for that August 20th meeting is a discussion of the LRTP Needs Plan.
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