The Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization will be holding a Long
Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Workshop on July 19, 2010 from 5 p.m. to
7 p.m. It will be located at the Harborside Event Center, 1375 Monroe Street,
Fort Myers. The purpose of this workshop is to receive public input on the
transportation needs for Lee County through the year 2035.
At the same workshop, the Lee MPO will be talking input on bicycle and pedestrian existing and future needs for Lee County. This input will be used for the development of the countywide bike/ped master plan, as well as an element in the LRTP.
For further information please contact Ms. Meghan Marion
at 239-338-2550 ext. 219 or by email at mmarion@swfrpc.org.
It's very important that citizens and advocates from all walks of life attend this workshop and provide input about the balanced transportation we desire, the importance of taking into account the needs of all road users--bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists, transit users and of all ages and abilities. We need to let the transportation planners know that we want livable/walkable communities, not just more suburban sprawl.
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