The News-Press has had two recent stories about Cape Coral City Council's efforts to reduce the speed limit on Gleason Parkway as a way to deal with safety issues created by this major road running through a residential neighborhood--a classic case of a roadway that is "dangerous by design".
The first story ran on June 7th, "Cape Coral residents want to see a slower Gleason Parkway"
The second story ran on June 20th, "Gleason may go down to two lanes back to four if city grows"
"The clash between common sense solutions and federal traffic safety guidelines is wearing down the patience of Cape Coral City Councilman Chris Chulakes-Leetz.
He wants a solution to speeding on Gleason Parkway and told city staff this week that he's going to be unhappy if one isn't found soon. He says he is tired of hearing why things can't be done.
"If you stand on the sidewalk at rush hour you'd be absolutely convinced it's a safety issue," Chulakes-Leetz said."
BikeWalkLee Letter:
From: Darla [mailto:dletourneau@bikewalklee.org]
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 7:17 AM
To: Cape Coral City Council
Subject: Cape City Council consider lowering speed limit for safety
Cape Coral City Council Members,
I’m pleased to see that the Cape Coral City Council is considering lowering the speed limit on Gleason Parkway as a way to improve the safety of road users. This is especially important for vulnerable road users, such as pedestrians and cyclists. Research shows that there is a direct relationship between vehicle speed and severity of injury for pedestrians and cyclists. For example, a pedestrian hit by a vehicle traveling 20 mph has a 95 percent chance of surviving. If the vehicle is traveling at 30 mph, chances of survival decrease to 55%. At 40 mph, only 15 percent of pedestrians can expect to survive. [citation: FHA (2002). Pedestrian Facilities Users Guide: Providing Safety and Mobility.]
Children, our most vulnerable road users, need to be provided an extra measure of safety. I hope you will approve the proposal to reduce the speed limit on this residential road and continue to look for ways to improve safety on the streets and roads of Cape Coral.
Thank you.
Darla Letourneau
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