On April 20th, the Lee County MPO Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan Project Advisory Committee met with the consultant team and MPO staff to discuss the project tasks and provide input from the various stakeholders. The consultant team is developing an interactive GIS map that will be available in 2 weeks on an MPO webpage. This map will have input gathered from the two previous Lakes Park events about problem areas/gaps identified, and will provide an opportunity for the public to provide input on problem areas. Commenters will be asked to provide information on the location of the issue, a description of the problem, along with a photo, which will be e-mailed to the consultant, who in turn will post all the input onto the GIS map for everyone to see. This input will be part of the development of the Needs Plan.
As soon as the webpage is available, I will post the link on the blog and send out an e-mail. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the master plan project, contact the project manager, Patrick Vanasse: pvanasse@consult-rwa.com or 278-5419 x3218.
There are also opportunities for "ground-truthing" areas identified by the consultant that have some data gaps. If you're interested in helping in this effort, contact Steve Rodgers: gatewaycyclist@yahoo.com.
The process is off to a good start!
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