Monday, September 24, 2012

Updated schedule and process for review of New Horizon 2035 Lee Plan elements

 BikeWalkLee has been participating in this year-long process of updating the Lee Plan to ensure that the complete streets/sustainability focus in the EAR is carried through in the actual Comp Plan amendments.  In August, the schedule was revised to provide more time for analysis and review of the draft elements by the committees and the public, and for an online interactive way for the public to participate in the process.  The schedule was further revised on Sept. 24th, as outlined below.

Background:  Horizon 2035 is a comprehensive review and update of the Lee Plan through the year 2035. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted by the Commissioners in early 2011 resulted in a sustainable vision for growth and development. The County is now using this vision as the basis to update the Lee Plan’s goals, objectives and policies. Over the past year, the staff has been presenting draft Comp Plan language for each of the 15 elements in the Plan.

Schedule for Review of Remaining Elements by Committees:
[Note: draft elements become available to the public 10 days prior to the LPA committee review.  Check the County's Horizon 2035 webpage for documents. All dates are subject to change and further confirmation.] 

  • Housing Element-- reviewed by LPA at Sept. 24th meeting & CSAC on Sept. 26th
  • Character & Form Element--LPA on Oct. 8th & CSAC on Sept. 26th
  • Transportation Element--LPA on Oct. 22nd & CSAC on Oct. 17th
  • Land Use Element--LPA on Nov. 26th & CSAC on Nov. 21st (note: date of CSAC meeting likely to change since this is Thanksgiving eve)
  • Glossary Element--LPA on Nov. 26 & CSAC on Dec. 19th
  • Administration Element--LPA on Nov. 26th CSAC on Dec. 19th
  • Review complete revised Lee Plan--LPA in Dec. and CSAC in Jan.
 Want to Attend Committee Meetings? 
  • The LPA meets on Monday mornings at 8:30 a.m. in the County Board chambers. 
  • The CSAC meetings on Wednesday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the conference room of Admin Building (2115 Second Streets, Fort Myers). 
At both committees there is an opportunity for public comments and the public is encouraged to participate.

Public Workshops:
A series of public workshops will be scheduled to  present the draft elements for public input:
·         There will be a workshop for each community panel.
·         There will be a full day open house/workshop with all the maps for the development community to discuss with staff one-on-one their questions and concerns about the maps.
·          The input from these public workshops will be incorporated into the revised elements before the 2nd round and final review of each element goes to the LPA and the CSAC.
As soon as the schedule is available for these workshops, we will let you know.

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