Mayor's Symposium on Walkable Urban Communities
Three National Keynote Speakers:Symposium PowerPoints:
Chris Leinberger:
former investment banker, CEO LOCUS, Brookings Institute Fellow, land use consultant, principal Arcadia Land Company
Jeff Speck
Jeff Speck, founder of Mayor's Institute of City Design and Governors' Institute on Community Design, former Director of Planning w DPZ & Co., author of Walkable City
Joe Minicozzi
principal Urban3, urban redevelopment consultant developer of ROI estimating tool for local governments and development agencies
Speaker Bios
Spotlight Magazine 11/1/15
A dollars and sense argument for a walkable economy
A dollars and sense argument for a walkable economy
By Ann Pierce, Smart growth and complete streets
Thursday over 400 citizens, elected officials, developers, lenders, planners
and realtors gathered in Fort Myers for the “Making Dollars and Sense of
Walkable Urban Communities Symposium.” They heard from three world-class
speakers and expert panelists from around Florida, all with experience in
successful multimodal, urban form, mixed use, infill and redevelopment.
Minicozzi of Urban3 Consultants in Asheville, N.C., hewing true to Mayor
Michael Bloomberg’s dictum, “In God we trust; everyone else bring data,”
delivered compelling data making the economic case for investing taxpayer money
in existing communities and neighborhoods over services to new greenfield
building (on previously undeveloped land), as we see across southeast Lee
taxpayer ROI in property and sales taxes from a small downtown mixed use,
six-storied building on .2 acres was eight times that of a large suburban
Walmart on 34.0 acres, generating traffic congestion, requiring wider roads and
traffic signals.
the all-important metric — jobs created? Thirteen times as many jobs, of all
varieties, grew from the one downtown investment.
has discovered similar results across the country – the existing cities and
close-in neighborhoods supply the bulk of county tax revenues. Here in Lee
County, property tax revenues received from the single mixed-use building
housing a Fort Myers’ restaurant — Ford’s Garage — are three times per acre
more than those from the Miramar Outlet Mall.
Leinberger, of Brookings Institute and George Washington University, walking
through the history of human development, illustrated drivable sub-urban
development as the anomalous form. Millennials and boomers alike, now 50
percent of the total U.S. population, are voting with their feet in a return to
walkable urban places or “WalkUps,” where the basic needs of life are within
easy distance and all amenities are reachable by bike or transit so there is
freedom to choose auto ownership or not.
making the economic case, Leinberger’ s data showed a tax revenue per acre from
these WalkUps at 12 times those from far-flung suburban commercial areas and
six times those of typical, drive-only suburban neighborhoods.
Speck, of Speck and Associates Consulting and author of “Walkable City,”
outlined the four qualities of thriving walkable areas: a reason to walk, a
safe walk, a comfortable walk, an interesting walk. All diminished when
transportation and land use decisions are separated. Walkable choice is greatly
determined by the surrounding land uses.
walking needs useful destinations. A safe walk needs a lot of activity and
people, as well as thoughtful infrastructure engineering. A comfortable walk
requires good sidewalks away from traffic, with shade and places to sit. An
interesting walk requires shop windows, restaurants, greenspaces and inviting
public places.

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