The Oct. 16th Lee MPO Board meeting
focused on two major issues--the annual FDOT 5-year workplan and the 2040 Long
Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The topics were of sufficient interest
that 16 of 17 Board members were present...including all five county
commissioners (something that hasn't occurred in years). The Board elected Fort Myers Councilman Flanders as
Chair, serving out the term of Councilman Leonardo who resigned in Sept. The Citizens Advisory Committee's package of
recommendations stimulated an extensive discussion about the urgent need for
expanding our transportation revenues.

Report by Darla Letourneau
Lee MPO Board Actions Taken on 10/16/15
FDOT 5-Year Work Plan
The Board had extensive discussions
about the draft FDOT 5-year workplan, expressing deep frustration with the lack
of funding and the delays in moving forward on urgently needed projects.
The most critical need is widening of SR 82, given the alarming rates of crashes
and fatalities (21 fatalities and 1,011 crashes with 610 injuries over the past
two years). The Board voted to ask FDOT to change the planned
construction from concrete to asphalt and use the $20 million savings to come
up with a Design/Build financing approach that would allow the roadway to be
built in 4 years vs. 8 years.
Darla Letourneau made BikeWalkLee's comments on the draft
FDOT plan, and called the plan
disappointing, with an overall 17% reduction in the 5th year "new
funds" as compared to last year's 5th year funding level. ·She stated that
Lee County is not getting its "fair share" of state funds, primarily
because SWFL is not participating in the State's top priority transportation
investments--the port system, East Coast rail investments, and SIS investments
in the I-4 and I-95 corridors. This
year's FDOT workplan is one more piece of evidence that the revenues coming to
Lee County from all sources are continuing to decline and is the new reality.
In terms of bike/ped projects, Letourneau
expressed disappointment that the study for a shared use path between Cape
Coral and Pine Island, which was approved last year for funding in FY 2020, has
now been delayed another year. She also
expressed disappointment that FDOT once again failed to fund the joint
Lee/Collier #1 priority for the Regional Enhancement project: Old US 41 in
Bonita to Collier shared use path. In total, the Lee MPO requested funding for
32 bike/ped projects and FDOT is only funding 7 of those projects (22%). Last
year, 35% of the MPO's request was funded. Of those 7 funded projects, 5 of them only
received planning money--not construction money as requested. On the upside, bike/ped spending represents
7% of all transportation funds, up from 6% in last year's workplan. So, while the overall pie is shrinking, at
least bike/ped's share of the pie is holding its own.
Given the Board's many concerns with the draft FDOT
workplan, they decided to table a vote on it until they could see a revised
plan. [Note: the FDOT workplan does not require MPO approval.]
2040 LRTP draft projects list
MPO staff
presented the Board with the recommendations that came from their Technical
Advisory Committee (TAC) and their Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC):
- The TAC recommended that the Corkscrew Road and Veterans/Santa Barbara projects be moved up on the list.
- The CAC made three recommendations:
- · That impact fees be raised to the full amount.
- · That the MPO include road projects that widen existing roads before new roadway alignments on the list; and
- · that the timing of the Corkscrew Road project be moved up.
Public comment focused on the
request to move up the Corkscrew project, to push for an I-75 interchange in Cape
Coral, and the need to collect 100% of impact fees as well as find other
sources of revenues for transportation projects. Both the News-Press and Naples Daily News
articles capture the Boards discussion about these issues.
Letourneau endorsed Mayor
Nelson's comments that what has been lacking is the political will to raise
more revenues, and argued that multi-modal transportation expenditures should
be viewed as investments in our economic future. Given the significant shortfall in transportation
revenues, the county's decision not to collect the full road impact fees has
worsened the situation and will make it difficult in terms of equity and
fairness to go to the voters and ask them to pay more taxes to meet the county's pressing transportation needs. Letourneau applauded the Plan's focus on
giving priority to maintaining and improving our current infrastructure before
investing in expanding facilities, with the first 14 projects on the list being
bridge replacements.
The MPO Board voted to amend the
2040 Plan’s Cost Feasible Projects list to make the following changes:
The Board approved a motion to move
up the Corkscrew Rd. project
- · Begin the construction of the Corkscrew segment between Ben Hill Griffin and the entrance to Corkscrew Preserve five years earlier by moving the funding from the 2026-30 to 2021-25,
- · Accelerate the funding of the Planning and Engineering and Right of Way acquisition for the segment between the entrance to Corkscrew Preserve and Alico Road by 5 years from 2026-30 to 2021-25, and
- · Accelerate the construction of the segment between the entrance to Corkscrew Preserve and Alico Road by at least 5 years from 2031-40 to 2026-30
- · In order to fund these changes the MPO Board had to delay the extension of Three Oaks Parkway from Alico Road to Daniels Road. They decided that it is more important to solve traffic safety problems on existing roads than to build new roads.
As a result of the extensive discussion
on the need for more revenues to fund the county's multi-modal transportation
needs, the Board adopted a motion by Sanibel Mayor Ruane that the MPO Executive
Committee (which has one member from each jurisdiction) undertake an effort to
explore all financing options that can be brought back to the Board for
Next Steps:
The next step in the process is a
public hearing on the 2040 LRTP, which is scheduled for the Nov. 20th MPO Board
meeting. Then at the Dec. 18th MPO Board
meeting, they will take final action on the 2040 Plan.
Recent Articles re: LRTP Transportation Issues:
News-Press Oct. 8,2015: The CAC's
recommendation on impact fees was covered in a News-Press 10/8 article.
Link to Impact Fee Revenues Report and Analysis--Oct.
2015 (actuals for 30 months, through end
of Sept. 2015)
3. Oct. 10, 2015: Naples Daily News article: Corkscrew improvements not likely
for awhile.
4. News-Press Oct. 13, 2015: Bonita, Estero push for fees rapped
5. Naples Daily News Oct. 14,
2015 Editorial: With construction booming again, do roads fit into the
News-Press Oct. 17, 2015: Estero's Corkscrew Road inches higher on road list
Naples Daily News Oct. 17, 2015: Fixing traffic woes proving a headache for Lee officials
Recent BWL-related blogs
1. October 9,
2015:Action Alert: Important votes on Long Range Transportation Plan at Oct. 16th Lee MPO Board meeting
2. Oct. 8, 2015: FDOT proposes 5-year funding plan for Lee County and
provides opportunity for public comment
3. August 12, 2015: Invite to August 25th Public Workshop on Lee County 2040
Transportation Plan
4. May 4, 2015: Time to participate in development of Lee County's Long
Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
6. LRTP Resource Document:
BikeWalkLee put together a resource document for the 2040 LRTP Process (with
lots of links) based on our many related blog posts. (5/13/15)
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