June 5, 2011
Today's lengthy editorial, "Non-motorists face grave risk"
focuses on the Dangerous by Design report--the problems and solutions.
May 7 proved to be a tragic day for two women who rode their bicycles in different parts of Lee County.
Tracy A. Kleinpell, 46, was riding with her husband on Sanibel Island. Kelly Geiger, 52, was riding in Bonita Springs. Both were hit by drivers and died as a result.
Neither motorist, Rachel Ryan, 22, nor Theresa Shirley, 46, has been charged in the deaths.
Our community grieves for the victims' families, and the other cyclists and pedestrians who have been injured or killed on Southwest Florida roads.
What we know is that our roads are dangerous - in fact a national report recently released found that Florida's roads are the most dangerous in the country for non-motorists.
The safety advocacy coalition Transportation for America released its "Dangerous by Design 2011" report late last month. Click here to continue reading.
BikeWalkLee's Guest Opinion: Formula helps make pedestrian-and-bicycle-friendly communities
The commentary focuses on three questions: Why is Florida is much deadlier? Why is the bike/ped master plan important for Lee County? and What does Lee County need from its leaders?
Click here to read the commentary.
Letters to the Editor focus on bike safety
Today's edition contains two letters, with more to be published tomorrow.
On Monday, five more letters were published. Click here to read.
On Tuesday, there were four more letters. Click here to read.
There was also a related letter to editor in Island Reporter about biking the Sanibel Causeway.
Finally, Doug MacGregor's political cartoon focuses on the need to share the road.
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