Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Follow-up on 2/12 webinar: Complete Streets Implementation in Florida

I hope that many of you participated in the excellent webinar last week about Complete Streets Implementation in Florida, hosted by 1000 Friends of Florida.  If you missed it, here are the PowerPoint presentations given by Billy Hattaway and DeWayne Carver: 1000 Friends of Florida webinar PowerPoint. The Q and A portion of the webinar was also very informative...it's clear there is a great deal of interest in Florida for guidance on how to implement complete streets in local communities. 

There are two websites (FDOT and 1000 Friends of Florida) which are excellent resources on complete streets.  Bookmark these and come back to them often:
FDOT's Complete Streets website
1000 Friends of Florida Complete Streets webpage

Thanks to Billy and DeWayne for excellent presentations and for all their great work to make complete streets a reality on the ground.  Thanks also to 1000 Friends of Florida for sponsoring this webinar, and others, that help communities across the state "get further faster" on complete streets implementation.
Dewayne Carter (L) and Billy Hattaway (R)

Description of Feb. 12th Webinar: Complete Streets Implementation in Florida (2016) — Florida Department of Transportation’s District One Secretary Billy Hattaway and FDOT State Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator DeWayne Carver discuss FDOT’s Complete Streets Policy and the newly instituted Complete Streets Implementation Plan, prepared by FDOT and Smart Growth America and released in December 2015. The goal of the policy and plan is to provide safer, context-sensitive roads by putting “the right street in the right place.” This webinar focuses on strategies FDOT is undertaking to integrate complete streets policies into manuals, policies and other documents, update the decision-making process, modifying approaches to performance measures and conducting ongoing education and training.

BWL Blogs re: FDOT Complete Streets Implementation Plan and Policy:

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