Upcoming events

Saturday, April 18: Verot Viking 5K paint run/walk.
Bishop Verot Catholic High School. Registration 6:30 a.m., run 7:30 a.m. (www.fortmyerstrackclub.com)
Saturday, April 18: The Fast and the Furriest 5K Run
& 1 Mile Walk, Hammond Stadium, Fort Myers. Support the Gulf Coast Humane
Society. Registration with and without dogs. Race starts at 8:05 a.m.
Saturday, May 9: 10th annual Turtle
Trot 5K at Lovers Key, to support The Friends of Lovers Key, Inc. Trail course
on shell paths (no sand). Registration 7 a.m. (www.fortmyerstrackclub.com)
Cycling and other
Sunday, April 12: Everglades Ride. 16- and 62-mile
smooth rides, 27-mile bumpy (off-road) ride. Benefits Friends of Fakahatchee
and the River of Grass Greenway. (http://raceroster.com/events/2015/4895/everglades-ride)
Sunday, April 12: Southwest Florida Tour de Cure
for the American Diabetes Association.
Distances are 10, 35, 62 and 100 miles; registration $25 and fund-raising
minimum $200. 8131 Lakewood Main Street, Lakewood Ranch, FL. (http://main.diabetes.org/site/TR/TourdeCure/TourAdmin?pg=entry&fr_id=10181)
Sunday, April 19: Immokalee Ride for Literacy,
15-, 30-, 45- and 62-mile rides starting at 8 a.m. Proceeds benefit The Family
Literacy Academy of Immokalee. (www.caloosariders.org)
Friday, May 1: Critical Mass Ride: Join our May Day family
fun slow ride through Fort Myers. Front and rear bike lights
required. Grab your helmet, bring all your friends and meet in open
field next to Publix at First Street Village, 2160 McGregor Blvd. Fort
Myers, FL. (www.SWFLCM.com)
Wednesday, May 20: Ride of Silence, to honor
cyclists killed or injured while cycling on public roadways. Leaves at 7 p.m.
from Centennial Park, 2000 West First Street, Fort Myers. Riders are requested
to wear black armbands, or red if they have personally been injured in a
cycling vs. motor vehicle accident. Free, no registration necessary. There will also be a Ride of Silence from Sanibel, riding from the Sanibel Community House over the Causeway and back, also leaving at 7 p.m. Details will be provided next week.
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