Thursday, March 29, 2012

Report Congested Locations--MPO Survey


The Lee County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) needs your help in identifying congested roadways for which it may be able to identify “quick fix” improvements such as retiming traffic signals, restriping travel lanes etc. More expensive strategies like countywide signal timing update, intersection improvements, ITS deployments may be addressed through the MPO priority process, and implemented with federal funds sub-allocated to the MPO.  If you are aware of any congested locations, please fill out a survey online at   

Today's News-Press has an article about the congestion survey.  Excerpts below:

The survey gives the MPO an idea of where drivers are finding problems and helps to verify the observation of transportation planners, said Ron Gogoi, the MPO transportation planning director.
The MPO also wants people to suggest solutions to the problems they identify on the survey, Gogoi said.
The MPO’s Traffic Management Operations Committee will review the responses and try to address the problems. Each situation must be individually reviewed. Some could be fixed quickly by local governments, but others may require more complex and costly work, Gogoi said.
Past surveys contributed to traffic improvements on the Caloosahatchee River bridges and U.S. 41. Past surveys also helped to convince officials to widen Colonial Boulevard and Daniels Parkway.

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