Note: updated on 10/18/11 for City of Fort Myers information
If you’ve been away for the summer and just returning to town, you may notice some new and improved bike/ped facilities throughout the county. Periodically, we ask transportation agencies to update us on the status of bike/ped projects under construction. Below is the information I’ve received to date. When additional reports come in, I’ll post them. Thanks to LeeDOT,Sanibel, Cape Coral and Fort Myers staff for providing this information!
Projects completed:
• Hickory Blvd. (Bonita Springs)—shoulders/bike lanes (approximately 4 miles) & the existing sidewalks were resurfaced and ADA retrofits were done (approximately 2 mile)—completed in July.
• Three sidewalks in Palmona Park (Cape Coral) sidewalks completed:
o Atlantic Ave.—Pine Island Rd. to Monterey St. (.51 miles)
o Tennessee Ave.—Pine Island Rd. to Clark St. (.12 miles)
• Page Park (Fort Myers) sidewalk completed:
o 2nd Ave—Oak Dr. to Maple Dr. (.14 miles)
Sanibel takes the prize for the most improvements (relative to their size) completed over the summer:
• Shared use path extension projects – totaling approximately 1 mile at following locations:
• Dunlop Road and Wooster Lane (location of City Hall, Library, BIG Arts, Historical Village, etc.)
• Sanibel-Captiva Road from Pine Avenue to Blind Pass Bridge (filling the gap between Sanibel & Captiva) (will be completed by 10/21)
• Shared use path improvement project – approximately 1/2 mile at following location:
• Tarpon Bay Road from Palm Ridge Road to Island Inn Road
• Shared use path widening project – totaling approximately 1 mile at following locations:
• Causeway Boulevard
• Lindgren Boulevard
• Algiers Lane
• Periwinkle Way
• Shared use path repair project – approximately 1.4 miles of repairs at following locations:
• Island wide
• Shared use path striping repairs – 33 crosswalks re-striped at following locations:
• Island wide
Cape Coral:
The following sidewalk projects, totalling 12 miles, have been completed this year:
o Beach Parkway (Surfside Blvd to Chiquita) (3.1 miles)
o Nicholas Parkway (Santa Barbara to SR 76) (2.2 miles)
o Oasis Blvd ( S@ 38 Terrance to Gleason Parkway) (.5 miles)
o SW 38 Terrace (Agualinda Bld to Oasis (.4 miles)
o Trafalger Parkway (Santa Barbara to Chiquita) (2.6 miles)
o Skyline Blvd (SW 21st to SW 19th St. (1.6 miles)
o SW 6th Ave. (Trafalger Parkway to SW 19th St.) (.3 miles)
o SW 19th St. (Skyline to SW 6 Ave.) (.2 miles)
o SE 8 St. (Cultural Park Blvd to Santa Barbara) (1 mile)
Four miles of new multi-use paths were completed:
o Del Prado Blvd. (SR 78 to Kismet Parkway) (4 miles)
City of Fort Myers:
5 sidewalk projects:
o Challenger Blvd. sidewalks connection (Challenger Blvd. to Winkler)
o Henderson sidewalk replacement (Herderson Ave. by MLK Blvd) (.1 mile)
o Marion Ave. Sidewalk (Marion Ave. between Terry & SR 80) (.3 mile)
o Cranford Ave. sidewalk (Cranford Ave. between Edison & Lafayette (.1 miles)
o Veronica Shoemaker Blvd. sidewalk (VSM from MLK Blvd. to Michigan Ave. ((.5 miles)
Projects under construction:
• Summerlin – Cypress Lake to Boy Scout – 1.8 miles – will be completed by the end of October
• Colonial – I-75 to SR 82 – shared use path--2 Miles – will be completed in November
• Six Mile Cypress Pkwy. – Daniels to Heritage Palms - 2.5 miles – will be completed in early 2012
• Daniels – Gateway to Chamberlain (includes restriping for bike lane to Treeline) – 3 miles – will be completed in Feb. 2012
• Bonita Beach Rd. (Bonita Springs) – Old 41 to Lime St. sidewalks on both sides & paved shoulders – 1 mile – will be completed in Spring 2013
City of Fort Myers:
5 sidewalk projects:
o Polk Ave. sidewalk (Polk Ave. from Palm Beach to Marion) (.5 miles)--to be completed by May 2012
o Thomas Ave. sidewalk ((Thomas St. from Henderson to Highland (.24 miles)--to be completed in May 2012
o Fountain Avenue sidewalk (Fountain St. MLK to Thomas St.) (.24 miles)--to be completed in May 2012
o Veronica Shoemaker Blvd (Phase II) (VSMB from Michigan to Marion) (.5 miles)--to be completed August 2012
o Tarpon Street sidewalk (Tarpon from SR 82 to Edgewood Ave.) (.2 miles)--to be completed Dec. 2011
If you know of local projects that have been completed, send me info and I'll post (dletourneau@bikewalklee.org).
Also, if you have questions about other projects and want to know the status, send me an e-mail.
In addition to new facilities, some new bike/ped safety signs have been installed. If you notice new signs or crosswalk improvements, drop me a note and maybe a photo.
Take a walk, a run, or a bike ride and explore these new and improved biking and walking facilities. Spread the word to your friends and neighbors. Send us a photo or comment on the blog or Facebook page about these new facilities. Last but not least, say “thank you” to the elected officials and government staff who made these improvements possible. [Note: BikeWalkLee’s blog “favorite links” on the right side of the page includes links to contact information for each jurisdiction.] Progress is being made. Thanks, LeeDOT, FDOT, and local cities!
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