Thursday, June 13, 2019

BikeWalkLee urges BoCC to reject Lee Plan Amendments re: Mining on June 19th

On June 19th, the Lee County Commissioners will take a final vote on amendments to the County's Comprehensive Plan (Lee Plan) that will eliminate the current controls on lime rock mining in Lee County.  This proposal threatens our water supply, water quality, and quality of life.  On April 14th, BikeWalkLee sent a letter to Commissioners asking them to reject these proposed amendments because of the lasting harm that will be done to our quality of life (already seriously eroded) and the County's primary tool for enhancing livability--the Lee Plan, two of BWL's overarching goals.  

At the April 17th Transmittal Hearing, the  Commission chambers were packed with interested citizens, with more than 70 individuals speaking against the proposal, including many local elected officials from around the County. In spite of the overwhelming public opposition to this proposal, the Board voted 3 to 1 to proceed (only Mann voted against).

Lee County is at a critical crossroads and much is at stake in the Board's June 19th final decision.  If you care about Lee County's future, attend Wednesday June 19th (9:30 a.m. in Commission Chambers) County Commission Final Hearing on the proposed Comp Plan amendments on mining.  In advance of this hearing, on June 13th, BikeWalkLee sent another letter to the County Commissioners urging them to vote no.

June 13, 2019

Dear Commissioners:

On June 19th you will be deciding whether to adopt Lee Plan amendments that eliminate the current controls on lime rock mining in Lee County, allowing expansion of mining--the most destructive (and non-reversible) land use. This is one of the most consequential decisions this Board will make about Lee County’s future; it will impact our water supply, water quality, and quality of life for current and future generations. BikeWalkLee urges you to listen to the many voices countywide in strong opposition to this proposal and reject these amendments.

BikeWalkLee focuses on ways to improve and support our county’s quality of life through better safety, health, and mobility. We strongly oppose these amendments because they are incompatible with the quality of life that citizens of this county expect and deserve. The amendments also dismantle the most important governmental tool for protecting and enhancing our livability—the Lee Plan. Livable communities don’t happen by accident. They are the result of good long range planning, community engagement in the Lee Plan’s development, and the commitment and political will to follow the Plan.

The mining amendments are symptomatic of this Board’s abandonment of good ideas and sound planning practices to accommodate the demands of a few rather than the needs of many. The choice before you on June 19th is clear—either you stand with the citizens of Lee County or you stand with the special interests.

We urge you to oppose these unwise and unnecessary amendments to the Lee Plan.


Darla Letourneau
On behalf of BikeWalkLee

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