Dan Moser, member of BikeWalkLee's Steering Group, chairs the MPO Bicycle Pedestrian Coordinating Committee (BPCC) and files this update:
It looks like the committee's by-laws will be amended to reflect the recommendations of our Bike/Ped Master Plan at the August MPO meeting, thus we'll be operating under new rules beginning in Sept. The significance of this, of course, is that BPCC will be able to take the lead in implementing the Master Plan. The changes also mean BPCC will no longer be a sub-committee of the Technical Advisory Committee and will instead make recommendations directly to MPO, including providing a report at each MPO meeting. The BPCC will also begin to meet monthly, in sync with the other two major advisory committees.
Along with the addition of representatives from health and tourism there are four new seats for citizens. Anyone interested can contact the staff of MPO to learn more about expectations and requirements and to ask to be appointed by an MPO member.
Members of the BPCC are also serving on the MPO task force set up by the staff director to develop an application for a TIGER III federal grant that would focus on bike/ped facilities and complete streets, providing an opportunity to make real progress in implementing the new Master Plan. In addition to participation by local jurisdictions, representatives from FGCU and BikeWalkLee are also on the team. The grant application is due in October. This is a very exciting opportunity and we'll keep you posted as the effort moves forward.
This map evaluates roadway facilities studied as part of the SA-BC MPO's 2001 and 2006 Bicycle Route Suitability Study and provides suitability ratings.