Florida Weekly, 7/20/11
Parking and admission fees will be waved at Lee County parks, boat ramps and pools the last weekend of July in honor of National Park and Recreation month.
“Lee County is pleased to be a part of the nationwide celebration and help recognize the value and benefits of parks and recreation,” said Dave Harner, deputy director of Lee County Parks & Recreation.
Another way to celebrate is to enter the first-ever Lee County Parks & Recreation video contest for amateur videographers to showcase its parks, preserves and recreation centers on the department’s new YouTube channel. The contest can feature yourself, your family or your friends participating in an activity or just enjoying the facility. In the video, make sure to mention the name of the park and state what you love about Lee County Parks & Recreation.
Hickey’s Creek Mitigation Park is one of the sites offering free parking during the last weekend of the month. Hickey’s Creek Mitigation Park is one of the sites offering free parking during the last weekend of the month. Finalists will have their videos featured on the Lee County Parks & Recreation website and YouTube channel and the winner will receive a free Lee County Parks & Recreation annual parking sticker. The deadline to enter is Aug. 1.
The National Recreation and Park Association is also gearing up for Park and Recreation Month with its own promotions and contests. Take the Five in July Park Pledge by making a personal commitment to get outdoors every weekend. Take the pledge for a chance to win an iPod Touch by visiting a park, trail, playground, swimming pool or natural area every weekend in July.
The National Recreation and Park Association is also holding the 2011 Rock Your Park Flash Mob Contest. The contest has two categories, one for Public Park and Recreation agencies and one for citizens and community groups. Gather a group together and visit any park or recreation facility and “show the power of parks” together in flash mob form.
Enter before Aug. 5 for a chance to be featured in the September digital and print editions of Parks & Recreation Magazine, featured on the NRPA website and YouTube page, and have a public showing of the video at the NRPA’s 2011 Congress & Exposition in Atlanta, Ga.
For more information on National Park and Recreation Month, contest entry forms and locations of Lee County-managed parks, boat ramps and pools, visit www.LeeParks.org.
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