On Sunday, March 28th, BikeWalkLee hosted a successful kickoff for Lee County's bike/pedestrian master plan development. Thanks to a prominent article in the News-Press, a broad cross section of 90-100 cyclists and walkers dropped by Lakes Park to talk to the officials working on the countywide bike/ped master plan--MPO Staff Director, Don Scott, and Patrick Vanesse, with RWA Consulting. Participants also completed surveys about their thoughts--the good, bad, and the ugly--of Lee County's bike/ped facilities. We will be compiling the input you provided and sharing it with the consultant as input to the Master Plan, as we've done with the survey input we got at our November 9th Lakes Park event.
A contingent of cyclists came over to advocate for better biking facilities in the Bayside Estates and Pine Ridge Road area, and we're looking forward to their continued advocacy for their proposal. It was great to see such a good turnout on a day forecast to be thunderstorms and rain. Luckily, the rain held off and we all made it home without getting wet.
Pictured above (left) are Don Scott (back) and Patrick Vanesse(front) talking about participant's ideas for the master plan; and (right) is the Lexington Bicycle Club that biked over to the event together.
If you missed the event, there will be other opportunities to provide input to the master plan development. In the meantime, feel free to contact Patrick Vanasse at pvanasse@consult-rwa.com or you can contact BikeWalkLee at: dletourneau@bikewalklee.org. You can also see the scope of work for the Master Plan on the MPO website.
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